Core Candy Machine

Available Guards

Redeemed Amount Guard


The Redeemed Amount guard forbids minting when the number of minted Assets for the entire Core Candy Machine reaches the configured maximum amount.

This guard becomes more interesting when used with Guard Groups since it allows us to add global minting thresholds to our groups.

once that amount of

Assets have been minted

Minting will fail

Core Candy Machine

Owner: Core Candy Machine Core Program

Core Candy Guard

Owner: Core Candy Guard Program

- maximum

Mint from

Core Candy Guard Program

Access Control

Mint from

Core Candy Machine Program

Mint Logic


Guard Settings

The Redeemed Amount guard contains the following settings:

  • Maximum: The maximum amount of NFTs that can be minted.

Set up a Core Candy Machine using the Redeemed Amount Guard

create(umi, {
  // ...
  itemsAvailable: 500,
  guards: {
    redeemedAmount: some({ maximum: 300 }),

Notice that, even if the Candy Machine contains 500 items, only 300 of these items will be mintable because of this guard.

Thus, this guard becomes more useful when using Guard Groups. Here’s another example using two groups such that the first 300 Assets can be minted for 1 SOL but the last 200 will need 2 SOL to mint.

Using the Redeemed Amount Guard with groups example

create(umi, {
  // ...
  itemsAvailable: 500,
  groups: [
      label: "early",
      guards: {
        redeemedAmount: some({ maximum: 300 }),
        solPayment: some({ lamports: sol(1), destination: treasury }),
      label: "late",
      guards: {
        solPayment: some({ lamports: sol(2), destination: treasury }),

Mint Settings

The Redeemed Amount guard does not need Mint Settings.

Route Instruction

The Redeemed Amount guard does not support the route instruction.

Program Gate