Search Assets
Return the list of assets given a search criteria.
Name | Required | Description |
negate | Indicates whether the search criteria should be inverted or not. | |
conditionType | Indicates whether to retrieve all ("all" ) or any ("any" ) asset that matches the search criteria. | |
interface | The interface value (one of ["V1_NFT", "V1_PRINT" "LEGACY_NFT", "V2_NFT", "FungibleAsset", "Custom", "Identity", "Executable"] ). | |
ownerAddress | The address of the owner. | |
ownerType | Type of ownership ["single", "token"] . | |
creatorAddress | The address of the creator. | |
creatorVerified | Indicates whether the creator must be verified or not. | |
authorityAddress | The address of the authority. | |
grouping | The grouping ["key", "value"] pair. | |
delegateAddress | The address of the delegate. | |
frozen | Indicates whether the asset is frozen or not. | |
supply | The supply of the asset. | |
supplyMint | The address of the supply mint. | |
compressed | Indicates whether the asset is compressed or not. | |
compressible | Indicates whether the asset is compressible or not. | |
royaltyTargetType | Type of royalty ["creators", "fanout", "single"] . | |
royaltyTarget | The target address for royalties. | |
royaltyAmount | The royalties amount. | |
burnt | Indicates whether the asset is burnt or not. | |
sortBy | Sorting criteria. This is specified as an object { sortBy: <value>, sortDirection: <value> } , where sortBy is one of ["created", "updated", "recentAction", "id", "none"] and sortDirection is one of ["asc", "desc"] . | |
limit | The maximum number of assets to retrieve. | |
page | The index of the "page" to retrieve. | |
before | Retrieve assets before the specified ID. | |
after | Retrieve assets after the specified ID. | |
jsonUri | The value for the JSON URI. |
searchAssets Example
import { publicKey } from '@metaplex-foundation/umi';
import { createUmi } from '@metaplex-foundation/umi-bundle-defaults';
import { dasApi } from '@metaplex-foundation/digital-asset-standard-api';
const umi = createUmi('<ENDPOINT>').use(dasApi());
const assets = await umi.rpc.searchAssets({
owner: publicKey('N4f6zftYsuu4yT7icsjLwh4i6pB1zvvKbseHj2NmSQw'),
jsonUri: '',
console.log(assets.items.length == 1);